I’ll Be Back

So I am still here. I haven’t been publishing because I have been recovering from 2 serious back surgeries #Ouch!  I haven’t been up to writing, but I have been reading. A LOT!  So I will have some good stuff to tell you about, so stay tuned. Same Bat time. Same bat channel.


Reading Order Resource – Guest Contributor


Hello everyone! My name is Jill, I’m a librarian, and I have a secret – I have never read a graphic novel (shocking, I know)!  However, like Roseann, it is important that I read a series in chronological order.  Also, patrons frequently ask me if we have the number of a number of book in a series without giving the title (ex: “I’m looking for book 3 of Harry Potter”).  My go-to source for finding a series order (with titles and pictures) is GoodReads.com.  All you have to do is search for the title of the series (this works for books, graphic novels, manga ect.), click on any title, and in parenthesis you will see something like “Harry Potter #1”. When you click on that, the list of titles comes up in chronological/series order.  It’s that simple.  I wanted to share this resource with all the graphic novel readers out there – I hope it helps!

-Jill, Guest Contributor